The Business Water Market


Navigating the UK's competitive water market

Explaining the business water market

The successful deregulation of the Scottish business water market in 2008 led to the subsequent deregulation of the English market in 2017 – which has created the largest competitive water market in the world. This means 1.2 million businesses, charities and public sector organisations are no longer restricted to buying water services from their regional supplier.

The open market provides businesses with the opportunity to select a water supplier that fits their specific needs. However, with a range of suppliers to choose from, and being an emerging market, it can be challenging for businesses to determine which supply provides the most sustainable product, the most comprehensive service, and the best value for money.

Choosing the right water supplier for your business

Workers choosing best business water supplier

The business water market works like any other open utility market for example the energy market. Retail suppliers buy wholesale services, (the physical supply of water and/or removal of wastewater), and sell it back to eligible businesses at a higher cost.

Our water procurement specialists have a thorough understanding of the UK water market, and we work with a range of suppliers to provide our clients with the best possible solutions. We are committed to helping businesses of all sizes navigate the complexities of the market, find the best value for money, and achieve sustainable and cost-effective water supply contracts.

By choosing Great British Water to help you select which supplier you use you are in control of who you pay, how much you are paying and how long your supply charges are locked in for.

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Contact us today so our experts can help you get the best deal on your business water contracts.