Great British Water Privacy Policy


Privacy Policy

At GBWC Holdings Limited T/A Great British Water (hereby referred to as GBW/us/our/we), we value your privacy and are committed to protecting your personal information, this privacy policy explains how we collect, use, process and protect your person information.

GBW acts as a third party intermediary between water retailers and potential clients (hereby referred to as you/your).

1. Information we collect:

We may collect the following types of information:

1.1 Personal information - Such as your name, your contact details and other identifying information that you provide. We may store these details for future contact, regardless if you enter a contract through us or not. You have the right to be forgotten and removed by emailing ‘’ – please include all names, contact numbers, email addresses and other identifying information you wish for us to remove. Be advised, we may retain these to add to our ‘unsubscribe’ list for the sole purpose of not contacting you again.

1.2 Payment information - We only collect payment information when we arrange contracts between you and your chosen retailer, we do not store payment information under any circumstances.

1.3 Usage information - We may ask you to provide us with bills, we do not store these bills and are deleted from our system once our business is concluded. Otherwise, we may collect your usage information from the suppliers we use. We do not store your usage information other than during the quoting process.

1.4 Contract information – Should you choose to enter in to a contract through us we will retain information about the contract that we arrange, such as when your contract finishes, the length of your contract and your chosen supplier, alongside above mentioned contact information, such as your name, your email address and your contact number, this list is not exhaustive, should you wish to request your contract information please contact us directly on 01473 598940 or email us at ‘’.

2. How we use your information:

2.1 We use your information to market our TPI services, to manage your account with us and for future marketing purposes. We do not provide your data to any other TPIs nor do we supply your data to any other suppliers. We may share your data (for example your meter number) to your chosen retailer should you arrange a contract through us, we may also share your information when required by law or to protect our/your legal rights. For other services we provide, such as water audits or bill validation we may share your information, you will be made aware of us doing so prior to us sharing your information.  

3. Security:

3.1 We take reasonable steps to protect your information from any unauthorised access. We password protect all of our files containing data which are changed each week and stored in secured servers, using firewalls and various encryption tools. Your data never leaves our premises and is not stored on mobile devices, such as laptops, phones or tablets.

4. Your choices:

4.1 You may choose not to receive marketing communications from us at any time, please follow steps in 1.1.

4.2 As outlined in 1.1 we may retain personal information to add to our ‘unsubscribe list’, should you wish to be completely removed please advise us following steps outlined in 1.1, however, please add that you wish to be completely removed from our database.

4.3 Should you choose to be completed removed from our database, we cannot guarantee that you will be contacted again either by email, telephone call or post.

5. Changes to this privacy policy:

5.1 We may update this privacy policy from time to time to reflect changes in our practices or for other operational, legal or regulatory reasons. If we make changes to this privacy policy, we may or may not notify you. It Is down to your discretion to monitor any changes to this policy. Which will always be found on our website at

6. Contacting us:

6.1 If you have any questions, queries or concerns about this privacy policy or our privacy practices please contact us at – or contact us on 01473 598940.

EFFECTIVE DATE 24/05/2024.